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A Night without Men

You can't hurt us where we don't want you. A demon dropped that on me one night, and, after (a) studying it, (b) tasting it, I concluded Mii was not to blame.
Then someone peed on the roof of Centre Pompidou. You know who it was, I'm not naming no name. Mother of Goo smiles, shoo, so innocently. And the gargoyles, poor bastards, with mouths agape, just hang there, dry, in memory of the male ape.
They have nothing to say. That's design for ya. On a cold, bright day.

¤     ¤

2 kommenttia:

  1. I woke up, and the world was as before.
    It had gotten worse.
    I read about the

    Ponzi Scheme Happening As We Speak

    Simple: Scare the hell out of everybody, make them sell, sell, sell, grab the money and run. In no time people are falling to pieces from staying up 24/7, guarding all that's left of their home and their pensions and the little one's piggy bank, but not to worry!

    Say hello to the WIENER BROTHERS.... They can hold your cash for you.

    "Aftershock" is a mild expression in relation to how you feel after these guys are done. And gone.

  2. From yesterday's paper (I'm kidding):

    "Toxic assets became devoid of value, not because all the subprime loans stuffed inside them tanked, but because there was no longer demand from investors. If no one wants your Aunt Mary’s antique gold-plated, diamond-encrusted starfish, for all intents and purposes, it has no monetary value at the moment. This basic supply-and-demand concept is something our government apparently didn’t understand when it offered to take the toxic assets off the banks’ books. And the Fed, as we’ll see, doesn’t seem to care that it took on trillions of dollars’ worth of these assets."

    It Takes a Pillage: An Epic Tale of Power, Deceit, and Untold Trillions (2nd ed.) By Nomi Prins

    The point being: banks could start afresh, do it all over again, with no one watching over their shoulders. Since calling it a crime would make it a crime - as Obama's crew has implied in hushed tones - and nobody would touch the crappy products of these leeches ever again. Which would be a drag, they say.

    But I'm sorry. This is just Bolshevist propaganda. The biggest and most beautiful newspaper in the whole Northern Europe said so. Am I right, Heikki?i

    And now they want to make the same mistakes of a monstrous magnitude all over again in Europe.

    Why? Politicians and High Finance, besides spending their nights between the same sheets, in the morning they read the same papers.
