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Souls in Deep Freeze

You don't want to see him.

The Foreign Minister of Finland, a nation of pussies, making haste to edit his remark on : country's in a war-ish situation, not at war.

He would give away his six months' salary to get a second take on that interview. Or have it deleted at least. But he can't do that. That would be corruption, it would be bribery. Tuomioja has spoken against corruption, very strongly indeed. He would be showing his cards to everyone. And remember, in Finland, there's a free press. They wouldn't swallow that kinda thing.

Or would they?

"Mr. Nikolic once said that Serbia would be better off as a province of Russia than as a member of the European Union."

Finland chose to play it safe. We applied for both.


Where was this picture taken?

Ulkoministeri muotoilee Suomen kantaa Syyriaan television uutislähetyksessä. Hän ehtii sanoa, että pakotteet eivät tehoa nopeasti sotatilanteeseen, tajuaa päästäneensä sammakon, nyt Venäjä suuttuu. "Sodan kaltaiseen tilanteeseen", ulkoministeri kiirehtii korjaamaan, silmät selällään kauhusta. 
 July 23rd - 25th, 2012
Matti Paasio

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