> @LiveJournal Just say, ENOUGH! Shut down the blog of @AnnaKislichenko pic.twitter.com/U6VbJqunIN Please #retweet
"Promise me to move out of Russia, or you'll be next."
- Litvinenko on his deathbed to Nekrasov
The easiest way out of this mess
would be Nekrasov filling out
this form:
3 April, 2013
I'm so happy. The bitch wants the WHOLE WORLD to witness her murderous arrogance. I've received three messages so far today:
This was intended for me as well, but I was spared due to a typo:
Of course, in Russia, they've got no use for democracy. They never tried it, but they know it's just a fad.
I'm reading a book*, where Milosevic, Mladic and Karadzic are scheming all the time, and today it dawned on me that Anna Kislichenko would be a perfect match for all three of them - simultaneously. I know, it's a terrible thing to say about anybody, but she is the only person outside politics who deserves it.
*) "To End a War" by Richard Holbrooke
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