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> Just say, ENOUGH! Shut down the blog of Please

"Promise me to move out of Russia, or you'll be next."
- Litvinenko on his deathbed to Nekrasov

The easiest way out of this mess
would be Nekrasov filling out
this form:

3 April, 2013

I'm so happy. The bitch wants the WHOLE WORLD to witness her murderous arrogance. I've received three messages so far today:

I assure you that the next day if anybody touch my blog I' ll open another ten and my friends will just multiply info
you can do your best to try to shut me down,but I'll invent hundred new ways of multiplying my info.

well, you can easily change your gender :) and just take some gazoline and several dry matches

This was intended for me as well, but I was spared due to a typo:

you,the creator of this spam,show me what you mean,dear democracy lover.

Of course, in Russia, they've got no use for democracy. They never tried it, but they know it's just a fad.

I'm reading a book*, where Milosevic, Mladic and Karadzic are scheming all the time, and today it dawned on me that Anna Kislichenko would be a perfect match for all three of them - simultaneously. I know, it's a terrible thing to say about anybody, but she is the only person outside politics who deserves it.

*) "To End a War" by Richard Holbrooke

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